When should you start brushing your child's teeth? When should your child have their first dental check? How can tooth decay in children be prevented? Read these simple tips for good oral health for babies and toddlers 0–3 years old.

Top 10 oral health tips for babies and toddlers

Click on the tip title to view the information.

Breastfeeding good for oral health 1. Breastfeeding is best for babies

  • Your baby’s main food in the first 6 months of life is breastmilk or infant formula.
  • Once your baby has finished feeding remove the baby from the breast or bottle.
  • For support and advice about breastfeeding speak with your maternal and child health nurse.

Breastfeeding good for oral health


toddler in a cot 2. Don’t put baby to sleep with a bottle

  • When babies fall asleep with a bottle some milk stays in the mouth and on the teeth. This can cause tooth decay.
  • Once your baby has finished feeding remove the baby from the breast or bottle.
  • If your child has a night time feed remember to:
    • Always take them out of their cot to feed them.
    • Always hold them when feeding them with a bottle.
  • Avoid leaving a baby to feed from a bottle without supervision.
  • They may fall asleep with the bottle still in their mouth, increasing the risk of choking,
    ear infection and tooth decay.

toddler in a cot


Toddler drinking tap water 3. From 6 months of age children can start to drink from a cup

  • Between 6 and 12 months your baby can move from drinking from a bottle to a cup.
  • Toddlers (1–3 years olds) should only drink from a cup.
  • Remember that holding and drinking from a cup is a new skill that your baby needs to learn.

Toddler drinking tap water


Toddler drinking tap water 4. Water is the best drink for toddlers

  • Water should be the main drink and toddlers should drink tap water throughout the day. In addition to this, plain cow’s milk is a healthy drink choice for children over 12 months.
  • For babies under 12 months, tap water should be boiled and cooled before drinking.
  • Most of Victoria’s tap water supply has fluoride in it. Fluoride protects teeth from decay.
  • Remember that shop bought bottled water usually does not have fluoride in it.

Drink tap water


Dental check by age 2  9. Children should have an oral health assessment by 2 years of age

  • The first oral health assessment can be provided by a Dentist or other Oral Health Professional, Maternal and Child Health Nurse or Doctor.

  • Having regular check-ups can help to spot problems early. Early stages of tooth decay can be treated.

  • Find out more about free or low-cost public dental services available to children.

Dental check by age 2
Who is eligible? >>
Find your nearest community dental clinic >>




Oral health for all the family  10. Oral health is important for the whole family

  • Babies are not born with the bacteria that causes tooth decay. Parents and carers can pass on this bacteria to babies. To help prevent this, families can do these things:
    • everyone brushes their teeth twice a day with their own toothbrush

    • everyone (including pregnant women) has a regular dental check-up and any tooth decay treated.

    • try to avoid putting anything in your baby’s mouth if it has been in your mouth (for example sharing spoons and ‘cleaning’ dummies by putting them in your mouth).

Oral health for all the family





These tips are based on the Infant Feeding Guidelines (2012)icon, the Australian Dietary Guidelines (2013)icon and the Evidence-based oral health promotion resource (2011)icon.


DHSV is a content partner with the Better Health Channel and Raising Children Network. More information about oral health can be found at these websites. Use the search terms ‘teeth’ or ‘dental’.
