A mouthguard, properly fitted, should be worn during any contact sport or activities where there is risk of an injury to the face e.g. footy, hockey, volleyball, soccer etc. Without a mouthguard, sports injuries and accidents can result in damage and injury to the gum, lips or teeth, tooth fractures, knocked out teeth and jaw fractures.

Significant trauma to permanent (adult) teeth is also common with falls from skateboards, roller-blades, trampolines and scooters.

Types of mouthguards:Mouthguard
Custom made mouthguards

Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) recommends custom-fitted mouthguards as these provide the most effective protection.

A custom made mouthguard should:

Caring for your mouthguardmouthguard case

Remember: Mouthguards should be worn during training sessions and match play if there is a risk of contact with another person or object including balls, bats, sticks or racquets.

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