The Day Surgery Unit is on Level 4 at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne (RDHM). Patients do not stay overnight. They arrive and leave on the same day.
In order to avoid delays, please allow enough travel time.
Please provide the name and phone number of the responsible adult to staff at the time of admission.
For patients under the age of 18 you must have a legal guardian present for the duration of the day. One adult may come with the patient once they have been admitted
There may be a wait of up to three hours from your admission time to the start of surgery. Please be patient and allow for at least half a day for your surgery.
You will need to pay a fee for day surgery. Please speak to the reception staff on arrival to confirm the amount.
We accept payment by credit card, cash, EFTPOS and by cheque.
Make cheques payable to Dental Health Services Victoria.
Please make sure you have organised transport home in a car or taxi, in the care of a responsible adult.
For your safety, please organise for a responsible adult to stay with you on the first night after your surgery.
If you are responsible for caring for young children, we suggest you make childcare arrangements prior to your appointment as you will not be able to care for them during and after your dental procedure.
Please note: We cannot provide firm discharge times. Your childcare arrangements should be in place until at least the early evening.
Your surgery may be cancelled if you haven't organised these.
Emergency dental services after hours: (03) 9341 1000