Translated oral health advice and guides

Oral health advice and guides about services at the hospital have been translated into the languages listed below. Additional oral health information in languages other than English can be found at the Health Translations website.
Click on the language link to be taken to the brochures available in that language.

Arabic | Burmese | Chin (Hakha) | Chinese | Dari | English | Greek | Italian | Karen | Khmer | Macedonian | Persian | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tamil | Turkish | Vietnamese

Dental service
Day surgery and
visitors guide
Important patient
Oral health

[PDF]Public dental health services
[PDF, 864KB]

[PDF]Emergency and dental health services
[PDF, 147KB]
[PDF]Guide to day surgery at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
[PDF, 1.72MB]

[PDF]Visitor's guide to The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
[PDF, 375KB]
[PDF]Protecting your privacy
[PDF, 311KB]

[PDF, 132KB]

[PDF]Root canals
[PDF, 91KB]
[PDF]Care after extraction
[PDF, 94KB]

[PDF]Care of dentures
[PDF, 114KB]

[PDF]Clean well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 769KB]

[PDF]Drink well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 709KB]

[PDF]Eat well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 851KB]

[PDF]How to brush your teeth | Guide
[PDF, 3.28MB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 766KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 635KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 616KB]



Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 831KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 711KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 677KB]


Chin (Hakha)

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 724KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 592KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 559KB]


Chinese (simplified)

[PDF]Public dental health services
[PDF, 925KB]
[PDF]Guide to day surgery at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
[PDF, 504KB]

[PDF]Visitor's guide to The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
[PDF, 517KB]
[PDF]Protecting your privacy
[PDF, 504KB]
[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 788KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 655KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 629KB]


Chinese (traditional)

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

[PDF, 700KB]

[PDF]Root canals
[PDF, 9232KB]
[PDF]Clean well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 655KB]

[PDF]Eat well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 730KB]

[PDF]Drink well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 656KB]

[PDF] How to brush your teeth | Guide
[PDF, 2.7MB]

[PDF]Care of dentures
[PDF, 256KB]

[PDF]Care after extraction
[PDF, 257KB]



[PDF]Emergency and dental health services
[PDF, 135KB]

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

[PDF, 132KB]

[PDF]Root canals
[PDF, 95KB]
[PDF]Care of dentures
[PDF, 117KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 778KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 648KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 613KB]



[PDF]Public dental services
(Links to a page on this website)
[PDF]Guide to day surgery at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
(Links to a page on this website)

[PDF]Visitor's guide to The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
[PDF, 395KB]

[PDF]The Dental Teaching Clinic – Important Information
[PDF, 137KB]

[PDF]Protecting your privacy
[PDF, 407KB]

[PDF, 649KB]

[PDF]Root canal
[PDF, 195KB]

[PDF]Oro-Antral Communication (OAC)
[PDF, 223KB]

[PDF]Impacted Wisdom Teeth
[PDF, 79KB]

[PDF]Caring for your mouth after an extraction
[PDF, 117KB]

[PDF]Caring for children following treatment under general anaesthesia
[PDF, 182KB]

[PDF]Post operative care for special needs patients following treatment under general anaesthesia
[PDF, 188KB]

[PDF]Tranexamic acid mouthwash
[PDF, 153KB]

[PDF]Eat well, Drink well, Clean well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 142KB]

[PDF]How to brush your teeth | Guide
[PDF, 164KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 472KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 486KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 486KB]

[PDF]Care after extraction
[PDF, 178KB]

[PDF]Care of Dentures
[PDF, 177KB]



[PDF]Public dental services
[PDF, 892KB]
[PDF]Visitor's guide to The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
[PDF, 410KB]
[PDF, 669KB]

[PDF]Root canals
[PDF, 216KB]

[PDF]Care of dentures
[PDF, 204KB]

[PDF]Care after extraction
[PDF, 194KB]



[PDF]Public dental health services
[PDF, 833KB]
[PDF]Guida al Royal Dental Hospital di Melbourne
[PDF, 401KB]
[PDF, 659KB]

[PDF]Root canals
[PDF, 207KB]

[PDF]Care of dentures
[PDF, 185KB]

[PDF]Care after extraction
[PDF, 186KB]



Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 881KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 726KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 691KB]



Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 804KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 695KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 666KB]



[PDF]Public dental health services
[PDF, 867KB]

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

[PDF]Clean well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 616KB]

[PDF]Drink well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 635KB]

[PDF]Eat well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 711KB]



[PDF]Emergency and dental health services
[PDF, 164KB]

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

[PDF, 130KB]

[PDF]Root canals
[PDF, 109KB]
[PDF]Care after extraction [PDF, 98KB]

[PDF]Care of dentures [PDF, 118KB]

[PDF]Clean well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 794KB]

[PDF]Drink well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 664KB]

[PDF]Eat well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 630KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 793KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 663KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 629KB]



Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

[PDF]Clean well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 841KB]

[PDF]Drink well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 704KB]

[PDF]Eat well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 684KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 840KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 703KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 683KB]



[PDF]Public dental health services
[PDF, 835KB]
[PDF]Guide to day surgery at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
[PDF, 365KB]

[PDF]Buug-tilmaameedka soo-booqdayasha Isbitaalka Royal Denatl Hospitaalka ee Melbournee
[PDF, 399KB]
[PDF]Protecting your privacy
[PDF, 410KB]
[PDF]Clean well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 630KB]

[PDF]Eat well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 683KB]

[PDF]Drink well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 629KB]

[PDF] How to brush your teeth | Guide
[PDF, 2.74MB]



[PDF]Public dental health services
[PDF, 835KB]
Translated resource is unavailable at the momentTranslated resource is unavailable at the momentTranslated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

Translated resource is unavailable at the moment

[PDF, 208KB]

[PDF]Root canals
[PDF, 192KB]

[PDF]Care of dentures
[PDF, 200KB]

[PDF]Care after extraction
[PDF, 175KB]



[PDF]Public dental health services
[PDF, 898KB]
[PDF]Guide to day surgery at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
[PDF, 369KB]

[PDF]Melbourne Dis Hastanesi
Ziyaretçi Rehberi

[PDF, 400KB]
[PDF]Protecting your privacy
[PDF, 408KB]
[PDF]Clean well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 766KB]

[PDF]Eat well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 796KB]

[PDF]Drink well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 709KB]

[PDF]How to brush your teeth | Guide
[PDF, 2.97MB]



[PDF]Public dental services
[PDF, 861KB]

[PDF]Emergency and dental health services
[PDF, 102KB]

[PDF]Guide to day surgery at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
[PDF, 373KB]

[PDF]T? Hu?ng D?n B?nh Nhân và Khách T?i Tham B?nh Vi?n Nha Melbourne
[PDF, 407KB]
[PDF]Protecting your privacy
[PDF, 421KB]

[PDF, 94KB]

[PDF]Root canals
[PDF, 105KB]
[PDF]Care after extraction
[PDF, 73KB]

[PDF]Care of dentures
[PDF, 88KB]

[PDF]Clean well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 640KB]

[PDF]Eat well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 675KB]

[PDF]Drink well for better oral health | Tip card
[PDF, 635KB]

[PDF]How to brush your teeth | Guide
[PDF, 2.82MB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 0 - 12 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 731KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 12 - 18 months | Fact sheet
[PDF, 600KB]

[PDF]Tooth tips 18 months - 6 years | Fact sheet
[PDF, 566KB]
