
DHSV research forms

DHSV research approval process flowchart

DHSV research application form

DHSV research application-Documents list

DHSV summary of final report form

DHSV Researcher frequently asked questions (FAQ)

This DHSV research approval process applies to all research projects proposed to be conducted at all DHSV sites including the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne (RDHM).

No research can commence at DHSV/RDHM until formal approval from the following committees are obtained.

1. Ethics approval from a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) approved Human Research and Ethics Committee (HREC).This could be a HREC at the Department of Health and Human Services, a university or a health service. Please note DHSV no longer has a HREC.

2. If the research project involves the use of state-wide public dental data, the project must be approved by the Department of Health and Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), in addition to any other HREC.

3. The Principal Investigator (PI) will also need to complete the DHSV application form, Data request form and submit the application to the DHSV Research Review Group (RRG).

The RRG is responsible for reviewing all research applications within DHSV.

The role of the DHSV RRG is to:

  • Determine whether the research is feasible to be undertaken at RDHM/DHSV.
  • Review resource implications for RDHM/DHSV.
  • Assess the participant consent process, ensuring it meets RDHM/DHSV privacy policies.
  • Evaluate implications for RDHM/DHSV staff and patients to ensure that their welfare has been adequately considered.

DHSV RRG Research Approval Process

The RRG secretariat coordinates the DHSV research approval process.  An overview of the approval process is provided in the RRG Research approval process flowchart. As part of the DHSV application process, the researcher is required to discuss their project proposal with the relevant Head/s of Department and seek approval prior to sending their application to DHSV RRG.

Please provide DHSV RRG secretariat with the following documents:

1. Completed DHSV Research Application Form.

2. Completed HREC Application form (copy). In addition, please submit all the documents that accompanied the HREC application e.g. plain language statement, consent forms, medical history form, surveys etc.

3. HREC approval letter: Please forward a copy of the formal HREC approval letter (including any revisions suggested by the HREC) to the DHSV RRG secretariat. Please note final DHSV research approval cannot be provided until DHSV receives the formal HREC approval letter. If the HREC application is declined, please inform the DHSV RRG secretariat ASAP at

4. Department of Health and Department of Families, Fairness and Housing HREC: Please provide the DoH HREC approval letter if the research project involves the use of state-wide public dental data.

The researcher is requested to allow adequate time for RRG members to review the application.

DHSV Research Approval letter

Once the research has been reviewed by the DHSV RRG and a decision has been made, the RRG secretariat will inform the PI via email. At this time the researcher will be asked to provide the RRG secretariat with an estimate start date for the research. Where RDHM patient records are required as part of the research, a fee may be charged for the service. The estimated fee will be provided to the PI.  Acceptance of these costs by the PI will need to be provided in writing before the research can commence at RDHM.

Research Amendments

Where amendments to the research occur following the DHSV RRG approval, the HREC approval email/letter for the amendment should be forwarded to the DHSV RRG secretariat . DHSV reserves the right to rescind approval where this notification is not provided or if the amendment does not align with DHSV/RDHM policies and procedures.

On completion of the research

Please provide the Summary of the final report (see Summary of the Final Report Form) or a copy of the HREC final report to the DHSV RRG secretariatThe support received from DHSV must be acknowledged in all future publications emerging from this research.

Where research is expected to continue past the final HREC approved end date

Where researchers have requested an HREC extension for their research to continue, the PI will need to provide the DHSV RRG secretariat a copy of the HREC letter approving the extension. DHSV reserves the right to rescind approval where this notification is not provided or where continuation of the research would cause undue cost to the organisation or impact on staff and/or patient welfare.

Research Review Group (RRG):

RRG Secretariat

Health Informatics -Research & Evaluation
Dental Health Services Victoria
Level 1/720 Swanston Street
Carlton Vic 3053
